
In the U.S., there are over 110,000 deaths annually from a combined total of deaths from resistance to antibiotics and deaths from painkillers.

Funny or not so funny enough, over 80% percent of research funding goes to finding more drugs for these health-related causes of death. And the figures are increasing. The top 10 causes of death in the U.S. are (in order of highest to lowest of the 10. Statistics from Healthline.com and CDC 2017):

  1. Heart Disease - 635,260

  2. Cancer - 598,038

  3. Accidents (Unintentional injury) - 161,374

  4. Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases - 154,596

  5. Stroke - 142,142

  6. Alzheimer’s Disease - 116,103

  7. Diabetes - 80,058

  8. Influenza and Pneumonia - 51,537

  9. Kidney Disease - 50,046

  10. Suicide - 44,965

Any of these causes of death in the top ten as well as other causes of death not included here, are topics unto themselves and subject matter for thousands of books, magazines, blogs, websites, videos and social media. But perhaps the more critical topic of this ongoing discussion of health and disease conditions in the U.S., is the failure of our health systems and the lack of understanding, accurate and factual information and real solutions to these diseases and conditions.

The real protagonist in all of this that can make a vital difference right now is -


More than ever, there needs to be a better and less invasive approach to the daily ways in which we handle being well in body and mind. It is alarming that we have accepted a daily way of life by taking 5 or more prescriptions as a way of preventative or managing disease.  From the CDC: “Among U.S. adults aged 40–79, 69.0% used one or more prescription drugs in the past 30 days and 22.4% used five or more in the past 30 days” 2016. We put our trust in our health care systems thinking that it is one of the best in the free world. However, according to a John Hopkins report from May 2016, the actual #3 leading cause of death was medical errors and that statistic was 250,000 deaths.

What can you do now to improve your overall health and well being? Here’s the short list:

  1. Begin to take part in your own health. Consult a health practitioner or health coach to figure out some small steps as to where to begin. Ask a friend or family member to help you stay on track with your regime. Enlist the help of your dog and take Fido for daily walks that are appropriate for your condition and safety.

  2. If you need help with depression or other mental health concerns, seek an appropriate health professional for counseling. Check out group coaching that may also give you the support you need (check online for groups by remote or send me an email and I will send help you find some).

  3. Check out the foods and beverages that you are consuming and make sure that they are more in alignment with helping your body be at optimum health. What you consume food-wise does matter to your gut and your moods! The best place to start is to consider a combination of Mediterranean diet and a Paleo diet with a large portion of fresh vegetables and smaller portion of fresh fruits (fruits do contain a lot of sugar).

  4. If you feel that getting unstuck in your behavior or habits is at the root cause of your health challenges, go back to #2 and seek a health coach or behavior counselor that deals with identifying negative habits, underlying causes, and how to keep you motivated in your wellness endeavors.

  5. The other areas that most of us need to address are: sleep, stress, and physical activities and/or physical fitness.

That 5 items above on the short list are what I consider REAL PREVENTATIVE and beyond a lifestyle as in a way of life; an everyday approach to maintaining a healthy balance physically and mentally. In addition, a good dose of nature and contact with friends and family should be added to anyone’s list of staying well.

With the current state of affairs globally and nationally, it is a time for reflection and changes. Confusion, feeling overwhelmed, angry and fearful is adding more stress and difficulties to our lives. The focus needs to be on finding practical common sense approaches to our well being as individuals and as a people. Often we take false steps towards what we perceive as the answer or answers and either give up or go in another direction that may not be so healthy or appropriate. Preventative and being proactive with your health and well being is not rocket science. It does take some effort and seeking out proper channels to help you along the way. Health and balance are achievable and do go a long way toward creating a more positive way of living. It does start with you and as you go on your health journey it will connect you to others who are seeking the same thing in their own way. And that connection will go a long way to making a community healthier in all ways of living and being.

Solving our health crises truly does start with each of us taking the first steps to being a more balanced person in mind and body. Why not start today - small steps can add up to a lot.


Integrative Wellness Partner offers guidance for all or any of the above 5 items+ and is re-directing the health consultations (been closed for consultations for a while due to Covid, relocating and life happens stuff). From this challenging time, I have done a great deal of reflecting and am implementing a new approach to being well and helping regain your balance and well being (staying sane). It is in your very breathe, body and mind. It is yoga or a mindful philosophy that only asks that you try and be present in your body and mind in small steps as much as you can. The other part is looking at food and what it is and what it isn’t in your life and how to override the parts in your relationship with food that aren’t helping you stay healthy. It’s called FOGA! Food and Yoga will become the foundation of Integrative Wellness partner. Meet your new partners in health -Food and Yoga!

Stay tuned for more exciting news and blogs about good things that will change your body, mind, and state of well being.

Feel free to reach out for more details, updates, and questions on my Contact page.

Yours in Health and FOGA,
